Thefirst step to changing your last name is to get your marriage certificate. This is one of your most important legal name change documents. You can't move forward without it. You can use an original orcertified copy of your marriage certificate to change your name after marriageamong govern...
Wondering how to change your last name after marriage? We've got you covered. Check out this expert-approved step-by-step guide for how to change your last name on every important document, from your passport to your driver's license.
Madonna Harrington MeyerDouglas A. WolfChristine L. HimesCenter for Policy Research, Maxwell School, Syracuse UniversityHarrington Meyer, Madonna, Douglas A. Wolf, and Christine L. Himes. 2006. "How Will Declining Rates of Marriage Reshape Eligibility for Social Security?" Syracuse, NY: Center for...
The marriage license should suffice if you're simply changing your last name to your spouse's, since all you really need is proof of tying the knot to make the switch. But if you'd like to undergo a different sort of name change, check with your local court to make sure it's permit...
Take the following steps to retool your retirement plan after getting a divorce: Ensure you have a proper qualified domestic relations order. Understand your spousal benefits for Social Security. Create an inventory of investments and assets. Update your retirement plan. Start contributing t...
If you've decided to change your last name after marriage, you must update personal information on your financial accounts. Although the task can seem daunting, it's a straightforward process once you know what to do. This guide will outline how to change your name on your bank account a...
Same-sex couples have access to a host of Social Security benefits that they couldn't receive before, but there are still many questions unanswered.
Getting a legal name change after marriage is arguably the easiest of the four main processes. To start, make sure that you and your partner are married by someone fully authorized to perform marriage ceremonies in that state. This is necessary for your marriage certificate to be considered vali...
Go to a nearby Social Security Administration office. Bring your new identification card or driver’s license, your marriage certificate and current Social Security card showing your maiden name. Complete the application to update your Social Security card with your married name. Present the applicatio...
Prioritize self-care and relationships. Many parents overlook their own needs or the health of their marriage after a child’s birth. Neglecting your well-being or spouse often leads to serious problems because stressed parents are more prone to conflicts and struggle to meet their children’s em...