New-NanoServerImage -MediaPath <path to root of media> -BasePath .\Base -TargetPath .\NanoServerVM\NanoServerVM.vhd -ComputerName <computer name> -GuestDrivers -packages Microsoft-NanoServer-DNS-Packagewhere<path to root of media> is the path to the drive where where you have mounted t...
New-NanoServerImage -MediaPath <path to root of media> -BasePath .\Base -TargetPath .\NanoServerVM\NanoServerVM.vhd -ComputerName <computer name> -GuestDrivers -packages Microsoft-NanoServer-DNS-Packagewhere<path to root of media> is the path to the drive where where you have mounted...
If you haven’t already, please refer to the “Getting Started with Nano Server” guide for information on preparing your Nano Server image. In this blog, I want to share with you how I set up WDS Server on a machine in my office, and was able to PxE-boot (F12 network bo...
as well as remotely managing Nano Server. You can run a Nano Server VHD either in a virtual machine or boot to it on a physical computer; the steps
sudo nano /etc/tmux.confCopy System-wide settings affect all users. If you want to limit custom settings to a specific user, create or edit thetmux.conffile in that user's home directory: sudo nano ~/.tmux.confCopy Change Activation Key ...
With that said, there are a few things to keep in mind:You want a distribution stable. Unless you like debugging issues at 2 AM, you don't want an unattended upgrade, or a manual package/system update, to render your server inoperable. But this also means you're okay with...
Look for “Network Controller” or “Ethernet Controller” to indicate detection. a– Detailed hardware information: For more information, run: sudo apt update #If needed sudo apt install lshw lshw -C network The -C network filters for network devices. Look for a “Wireless interface” section...
To improve the usability of the calibre Content server, let’s replace our manual server process with a service that will start on boot. First, create a file calledcalibre-server.servicein the directory/etc/sytemd/system/: sudonano/etc/systemd/system/calibre-server.service ...
Update Firmware Using Gnome-Software If you are not very familiar with terminals and want to avoid them, you can use gnome-software to update your device firmware. Gnome-software is usually preinstalled in thegnome desktop environment. If you are using another desktop environment, you can install...
1. To get started let’s first update our package repositories with the following command: sudo apt update sudo apt upgradeCopy 2. With that done, let’s now install apache with the following command: sudo apt install apache2Copy You can check to make sure Apache2 is successfully up and ...