I have built a custom image that was originally based on the "Windows 10 multi-session + Microsoft 365 Apps" image in the Azure gallery. As far as I can tell, the Office apps are installed on this image using the settings specified inInstall Office on ...
I have built a custom image that was originally based on the "Windows 10 multi-session + Microsoft 365 Apps" image in the Azure gallery. As far as I can tell, the Office apps are installed on this im... Great! They don't make that registry key easy to fin...
Click Close after the MFA status update is finished. Repeat the same steps to disable MFA for other users as needed. How to Disable MFA in Microsoft 365 Using PowerShell Also, you can use PowerShell to disable per-user MFA for Microsoft 365 accounts. This requires theMSOnline moduleto be ...
I’m so excited to partner with our teams to see the first commercial solution at Microsoft to combine Copilot and Copilot for Sales. Since the launch of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Copilot in March, we have seen incredible adoption with nearly 4,000 users taking advantage of...
Ready to upgrade System requirements Update & Security Click on Update & Security. Windows Update Your time is valuable Windows 11 PCs come with a better interface, intuitive navigation, and faster performance. Maximize your productivity with improved Microsoft tools you use every day. Just answer ...
The output printed by the script will help to identify the projects for which the update failed. Even if the script fails to update the status for a certain project, it will continue processing the remaining projects. Customers can manually update the projects which were not updated by the scr...
How to allow device permissions for Mesh Check your Teams privacy settings. If you choseDenywhen prompted to allow microphone access as you launch the immersive space, you won't be able to access Immersive space (3D). Turn Media permissions on for immersive spaces...
The websites offering Microsoft 365 cracked version might not be safe. You might get advertisement software bundled inside Microsoft 365 crack. Using a cracked version of Microsoft 365 might be a security risk. You cannot update the cracked Microsoft 365 to the latest version. ...
For more information, see: Change the apps and services a user has access to. Enable or disable Clipchamp through PowerShell As an admin, you can also use PowerShell to enable or disable services like Clipchamp when assigning a Microsoft 365 license to a user. Fo...
Set-CASMailbox -Identity m.smith@example.com -OwaMailboxPolicy “Prevent users from changing their photos” To apply the OWA mailbox policy to more users, it’s easiest to use the Foreach loop. In the example below, I use PowerShell to get all members of the Microsoft 365 group called...