4. 使用Windows更新 (Using Windows Update) 有时,Windows更新也会包含显卡驱动程序的更新。可以通过以下步骤检查: 点击“开始”菜单,选择“设置”。 选择“更新和安全”,然后点击“检查更新”。 如果有可用的更新,系统会自动下载并安装。 更新显卡驱动程序的注意事项 (Precautions When Updating Graphics Card Drivers)...
In Windows Update, you usually see a date next to each entry. If your graphics driver is older than three or four months, try using Windows Device Manager to upgrade to the latest driver. Before you get started, it’s wise to create a system recovery point. This backs up all your curr...
Are you getting an errors such as –“No AMD graphics driver is installed”, other errors may include AMD Graphics Drivers in Windows 10 are outdated, unrecognized devices, system warnings and similar concerns. It may be possible that you are facing certain system errors after you have recently...
Keeping your graphics card driver up-to-date helps ensure you get the best possible performance in-game. It may even be necessary if you want to play some of the latest titles, which sometimes require a new driver before they will even run. That's why it's a good idea to periodically ...
Update graphics driver on Windows Windows Update won't always give you the latest drivers. You must go directly to your card manufacturer’s website to check for driver updates: NVIDIA drivers AMD drivers Intel drivers Be aware that notebook drivers sometimes have a different name than similar ...
Way 1: Update your Intel(R) HD Graphics driver manually Intel has released Windows 10 drivers for their vast majority of display cards. You can go to Intel's website and find the right driver. Please make sure you find the right version, as incompatible or wrong driver can cause...
We’re going to show you how to update drivers using Windows 7 and then using an automatic updater tool, which you’ll probably find quicker and easier...
If a driver doesn't download, try theRetrybutton. When ready, Windows will prompt you to restart to install the driver. How to install and update drivers from an OEM website When Windows Update doesn't show you a driver that you think your PC needs, you can manually download and install...
Instead of downloading Intel(R) Graphics drivers manually,you can use a driver update tool to help you.Driver Easyis one of useful driver update tools. After you install Driver Easy, use it to scan your computer to detect all problem drivers. If there is problem with the Intel(R) Graphics...
Step 2: Download the newest, most updated driver. Option 1: Take those 2 pieces of information you just got-the graphics/video card model number and the version of Windows you use. Go to theNVIDIA websiteand use the drop down menu that says ‘DRIVERS.’ ...