remove locally: git tag -d XTAGX remove on remote: git push -d origin XTAGX create locally: git tag -a XTAGX -m "My XTAGX git tag" 339f42b push to remote: git push origin --tags list locally: git tags --list list on remote: git ls-remote --tags origin additional check to s...
Sorting most recents Git tags In order to list and sort Git tags by their latest Git activity, you can use the “git tag” command with the “–sort=committerdate”. $ git tag --sort=committerdate -l <pattern> Congratulations, you successfully sorted your Git tags using the sort options!
You might want tocreate new Git tagsin order to have a reference to a given release of your software. In this tutorial, we are going to see how you can easilycreate Git tags. We are also going to name our Git tags following the best practices of “Semantic Versioning”. Naming tags w...
Git will not allow us to have two tags with the same name. What we can do is update an existing tag to point to some other commit. We have to use the-fflag(stands for force) to do this. We can also use this to change an annotated tag to a lightweight tag and vice versa by ...
First, we may need to fetch new tags from the remote repository that were added by other developers. This can be accomplished by using the--tagsoption with the Git Fetch command. $ git fetch --tags <remote-name> Next, we will need the name of the tag that we want to checkout. We...
Finally you need to add your new tag to the remote location. Until you have done this, the new tag(s) will not be added: git push origin --tags Iterate this for every remote location. Be aware, of the implications that a Git Tag change has to consumers of a package! Share Follow...
In Git, tags are used to mark specific commits, e.g. release versions. This is also the big difference between tags and branches: while a branch pointermoveswhen additional commits are made, a tag remains fixed on the specified revision. ...
On this page, you can find useful information about the git push command, its usage, the most common options, and important tips concerning it.
Everything about database,bussiness.(Most for PostgreSQL). - blog/how_to_change_tags.tmp at master · hancygit/blog
be more productive: Update eliminates time spent on things thatcan be automated, but typically aren't since they either don't need to be done often, don't fit into the build cycle or a project's deliverables, or because they're usually updated manually. As code projects mature, time spen...