You are even able to make and amend maps, although keep in mind that are not available to be added to the game so far. A player can be using maps which were modded exactly how it is in Spintires. However, we are planning to improve tools and the implementation of maps right after po...
Hi. I modded GTA IV a few years back in fact its where I cut my teeth in modding games, before i moved on to modding skyrim and Arma. Now I have returned to mod GTA V after I saw openv 2.6 was released, and while I have no issues getting the game files e
I've never had any drift issues with the Pro Controller's stick(s) HOWEVER I swear my D-pad can be wonky sometimes. Most notably with games that only use it for certain actions that are not movement. For example when I play Monster Hunter GU I have my hunter arts assigned to the D...