PS: The article uses bare React Native projects. If you need to use Expo in managed workflow, check out this article:How to Start a QR Code Scanner in React Native WebView Build an Expo Barcode Scanner Let’s do this in steps. New Project Install the Expo cli tool: npm i-gexpo-cli...
expo/expo-cliPublic Notifications Fork503 Star2.6k New issue soitunopened this issueNov 11, 2019· 1 comment Contributor Hi -- I moved this over to our forums since I don't think its a bug with expo-cli, just that you're having trouble with getting things setup. ...
expo:customize:templates @expo/webpack-config template for "index.html" not found, falling back on @expo/cli +32s expo:customize:templates Using @expo/cli template for "index.html": C:\Users\rogal\repo\drive\node_modules\@expo\cli\static\template\index.html +2ms Web C:\Users\rogal\repo\...
Let’s update thepackage.jsonfile to include commands for running your application on Android and iOS emulators. Also, you’ll include themainfield referencing theApp.jsfile. This file will act as the entry file for theexpo-cli. Open thepackage.jsonfile in your editor: nanopackage.json ...
If you are usingHD FPV system such as DJI / Avatar / HDZero, there’s an extra step. Go back to the preset tab, and apply the “OSD for, DJI O3, Avatar HD” preset (just search for “OSD for DJI”). The preset is the same as entering this command lines in CLI. ...
DllMain already defined in DllEntry.obj C:\Users\admin\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\utilityfileexpo\utilityfileexpo\mfcs100u.lib(dllmodul.obj) mean mfc dll and my project dll both execute so compiler throws this error now i want to compile both task on single dll if anybody knows th...
React Native CLI: The React Native command-line interface (CLI) is a tool that you’ll use to create and manage your React Native projects. You can install it using npm, which comes with Node.js: If you are planning to react native as a part of an existing ...
First, we need to install the command line interface (CLI) for Expo, which will help us test to the app in a simulator or on real devices and to build our app in the cloud. npm install -g expo-cli Let’s create our Expo project. ...
Expo NodeJs Installing The Project Dependencies First, download and install NodeJs on your machine. If you don’t have it installed already, go to their website and follow the installation process. The Expo-CLI must then be installed on your computer using the command below. You can get t...
Where to Buy? Update (Apr 2024): DJI released the new Goggles 3 ( and Avata 2 drone ( Purchase the DJI Goggles 2 at: GetFPV: ...