When I try to update my apps in the App Store I get window that says sing in to iTunes Store enter the password for your Apple ID then has my email address but instead of .com it is just .co. I have tried logging out in iTunes, I went to appleid.apple.com and logged in and...
These steps can help you to reset your password for GoDaddy email without much fuss. One should update their GoDaddy email password within regular intervals to avoid facing this issue again. If you are one of those people who do not know how to change their password, simply take a look at...
Rename your custom tif logo file to ‘applelogo.tif’ and move it to this same Resources/ folder, you will be asked for the administrator password.Note: it must be 90×90 and a tif file (preferably transparent for best results) That’s it! Now when you login, your new logo will appe...