If you are in the Army or Air Force, you can use myPay to access your PSMC by visiting the “Statements” tab of your myPay account. Sailors and Marines can not access their PSMC with myPay. Sailors can generate a PSMC by entering basic information into the Department of Defense’s regul...
an army of Jewish publishers, journalists and lobbyists will destroy him instantly. The Jews know of Obama’s alleged homosexual activities and his presidential ineligibility due to his birth in Kenya. In other words, the Jews who own America’s mainstream media, could ruin Obama in a minute...
Oops, forgot to add salt and pepper. Turn the onions a few times to make sure everything gets some time on the bottom to caramelize. Don’t worry too much about burning the onions. All that burned on goodness is going to be pure flavor. That’s what the wine is for. Use it to ...