使用tar命令解压tar.gz文件 (Using the tar Command to Unzip tar.gzFiles) 有时,gz文件是tar归档文件的一部分,通常以.tar.gz或.tgz结尾。在这种情况下,你可以使用tar命令来解压: tar -xzvf filename.tar.gz 这里,-x表示解压,-z表示处理gzip文件,-v表示详细输出,-f表示后面跟着文件名。 在Windows系统上解...
In this tutorial, we’re going to show you how to unzip a .gz file on Linux. These instructions will work on any Linux distro, even on aMac. We previously wrote abouthow to zip files on Linux, so now we’re going to show you how to unzip a GZ file. TL;DR:In short, you just...
Note you can add more files to your zipped file simply by dragging them to the zipped folder. How to unzip a file You must unzip a compressed file to view its content. Unzipping or decompressing a file using the Windows 10 command line is also easy and fast. Below are the steps to fo...
gzip -d xxx.tar.gz tar -xf xxx.tar
How to unzip or extract files on Android Although mostAndroid smartphonesandtabletshave a native file manager, it rarely supports all compressed file formats. If you're facing issues decompressing an archive file with the built-in file manager on your device, you can try one of the following ...
"The function evaluation requires all threads to run" while accessing music library through wmp.dll "The left-hand side of an assignment must be a variable, property or indexer". Help? "The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized" "Typewriter" like effect in a C# Console a...
#bunzip file_a.bz2 To decompress the filefile_a.gz, you can use anyone command from the following commands. #gzip -d file_a.gz #gunzip file_a.gz The following image shows the compression and decompression with thegzipandgunzipcommands. ...
To unzip, Linux users can apply a command utility similar to other compression formats, such astarandgzip. Understanding how to use theunzipcommand helps improve efficiency with various tasks, including software distribution or data archiving.
gotungzipbody// unzip the buffered gzipped sitemapconstsitemap=(awaitungzip(body)).toString(); Maybe that helps someone in the future. 🙈 Have fun! If you enjoyed this article... Join5.5k readersand learn something new every week withWeb Weekly. ...
To unzip GZ and keep the original file, use: gzip -dk file.gz If you’re actually trying to extract a folder archive like .tar.gz, the Terminal command is a bit different: tar -xf file.tar.gz All of the commands above will extract files in the same directory as the original ...