In order to start unlocking Blue Mage spells you will have to of course first unlock Blue Mage as a job. You will be able tostart the unlock quest when you are at least level 50 on one main job class. The starting location of theUnlock Quest is found at (X:10, Y:11) and given ...
How to Unlock the New Yo-Kai Watch Framer’s Kit The Framer’s Kit is available in the Golden Saucer, which you can unlock using MGP. While you don’t need to spend any Medals for this one, you must unlock all the 17 Yo-Kai Watch pets to get it. You can purchase it from Nohi...
Scott specializes in gaming and has loved the medium since the early ‘90s when his first console was a ZX Spectrum that used to take 40 minutes to load a game from a tape cassette player to a black and white TV set. Scott now writes game reviews for Screen Rant and The Gamer, as ...
This is the fourth healer to be added to Final Fantasy 14, to sit alongside the White Mage, Scholar, and Astrologian. It’s one of two new jobs to be released with the Endwalker expansion, alongside the new Reaper class. So, let’s take a look at how to unlock the stylish new ...
town ofZapapico. The hill can be found in the Paldea region in theEast Province(Area One) and is easy to reach byflying inPokémon Scarlet and Violet. If you want to know the best way to complete BBQs,AustinJohnPlaysexplains how to do them effectively to unlock all the Legendary ...
The first step is to unlock a Wayshrine and the NPCs in Artaeum. For that you need to get close to Shimmerene and start the quest “The Queen’s Decree” and finish it.To start the quest you need to talk to the NPC “Calibar” that will run to you once you get close to ...
Tank Gladiator Paladin Ul’dah Tank Marauder Warrior Limsa Lominsa Healer Conjurer White Mage Gridania Healer/DPS Arcanist Scholar (Healer) or Summoner (DPS) Limsa Lominsa DPS Pugilist Monk Ul’dah DPS Lancer Dragoon Gridania DPS Archer Bard Gridania DPS Thaumaturge Black Mage Ul’dahOf...
If you don’t want that to be you onFinal Fantasy 16’s release date, then it’s worth pre-downloading the game—especially given its chunky file size. Want to know how? Read on for how to preloadFinal Fantasy 16on PS5, including what the file size is and when preloads unlock. ...
You will only be able tounlock Riekling followers if youside with themin the questThe Chief of Thirsk Hall. Throughout the quest, you will need tocarry out the Chief's three ordersandside with him against the Nords. Thirsk Mead Hall is found to the east of the Beast Stone, which you...
To take on this quest, speak to Pantea in the Bard’s College (or the Winking Skeever inn) of Solitude. The flute is in Hob’s Fall Cave. 6. Disenchant items to unlock new Skyrim enchantments Depending on where you are in the game and how much time and effort you’ve put into Enc...