Tounlock the Premium Warbond weaponsinHelldivers 2, you need to purchase the Premium Warbond with 1,000 Super Credits (SC,) or purchase the game’sSuper Citizen Edition bundle. Though new players may want towait just a little bit before buying the game. A very reasonable and manageable cost...
However, as of patch 1.04, there’s an exploit where choosing the second option – continuing in Hard mode – still allows the Trophy/Achievement to unlock. If you’re having trouble with this Trophy/Achievement, it’s worth trying before the inevitable patch. The alternative is to either us...
Lockpicking can be found in mostmodern RPGs, though each game tends to have its own unique take on the mechanic. To pick locks inStarfield, players will need to use Digipicks; a special consumable item a little like a traditional lockpick. Players will also need to solve a puzzle, with ...
Players can go about this multiple ways by either destroying the ship or intimidating them to give up the cargo. The Deception skill is useful as it makes intimidating stronger ships easier. All players need to do is dock with The Key to turn in the missions when the objective is complete....
First off, to be able to celebrate Armed Forces Day in the Lone Star State one must know the history of how it came about. It was August 31st, 1949 when the Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson announced the creation of a new holiday Armed Forces Day. ...
When learning how to hide contraband inStarfield, it is important to understand the mechanics. The main factor that determines whether a ship will be able to slip through a scanner undetected is the cargo hold.Starfield's beginner ship, The Frontier, has standard ...