In Final Fantasy 16, the latest installment in the FF series, Shiva is an Eikon, a being with great power who can be summoned by Jill (the main protagonist’s love interest). With her chilling ice abilities, she was a sight to behold before Jill gave her powers to Clive, hoping to ...
While Stardew Valley might be one of the most wholesome games on the market right now, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows when you start playing this game. There is a mining mechanic and the creatures that lurk in the deep caverns aren’t friendly at all. They will try to kill you a...
looking for a friend’s home. The Best Don’t Starve Characters. 10. Wendy The Bereaved Wendy Idly Pulling Petals Be Wendy and fight alongside your ghost twin sister Abigail. Although a weak hitter, Wendy has the advantage of having Abigail to fight off any attackers. Abigail can outrun ...
This is a dish that doesn’t require that many ingredients, and they’re easy to get while we’re out in Teyvat exploring. The only thing that could be annoying about this is processing the whipped cream, but in reality is not that much of a big deal. Why is the “Cream Stew” ...
Hello, my fellow moonies, I am back again with another count down to the Top Best moments of Sailor Moon. Whether these scenes are a little dark or just outright out of place, we will come to understand how they made it to the spot they did. When you run out of cookies, you may...
guard blocking is great in PvP, and you don’t necessarily need a shield to have a good time in PvP, but it will make you feel even greater when you parry that pesky invader and get the riposte, especially if you see their health bar drop from 100 to 0 with a single riposte blow....