You can set the right to open a cash drawer without making a sale for your employee group. Go to ‘Access rights’ menu in the ‘Employee' section in the Back Office and open the group for editing. Check the box ‘Open cash drawer without making a sale’ in the ‘POS’ section. Don...
Hey, I need some help. I searched the web days ago and did not find an example to help me open a cash drawer.Reply Answers (2) Selenium test automation using c# How to fetch the data based on from date to to date in c# windows ...
Enable Cash Drawer with CUPS Driver 1.Connect the cash drawer to the printer’s “DK” port with the cable included with your Cash Drawer purchase, and power the printer on. Note:Star Cash Drawer cables are labeled to indicate which end connects to the printer and which to the cash drawer...
If you’re looking for ways to make more money that don’t require a large startup investment or specialized skills—and result in quick cash—consider these options:1. Find out if you have unclaimed propertyBarrier to entry: 1/10Potential startup cost: $0Time to first payout: Varies...
Using credit cards gets you behind in your finances because you’re still paying for your past. Instead, ditch the credit cards, switch to cash only, and start owning stuff for real. When you cut those debt payments out of your budget, you can put that extra money toward your savings go...
Key Features to Look for in a Point of Sale System When selecting a point of sale grocery store system, there are several key features to consider: Inventory Management:Track stock levels, monitor product sales, and set up automatic reordering. ...
The camera would often take its own sweet time to wake up and identify me–especially irritating when I was trying to unlock 1Password to log into a site–leading me to resort to the keyboard to type in the laptop-specific passcode instead. Two things led me to drop a pattern of denial...
Key Takeaways Rebuilding credit takes time and there’s no set time period to rebuild your credit, as there are many factors to consider. Usually, the first step to rebuild credit is to request your credit report and assess your credit history. Making on-time payments is one of the most ...
Key Takeaways Petty cash is a nominal amount of money readily accessible for paying expenses too small to merit writing a check or using a credit card. In larger corporations, each department might have its own petty cash fund. A petty cash fund can be used for office supplies, cards for...
When bitcoin is assigned to an owner via a transaction on the blockchain, that owner receives their private key. Your wallet has a public address—called your public key—that is used when someone sends you a bitcoin, similar to the way they enter your email address in an email. ...