I'm implementing an asp.net core 3.1 project. My problem is I want when the user close the browser, the cookie goes to get deleted . For implementing the project, I authenticate the user via ldap with the below expression in Startup.cs:...
the OP said: "...trying to find a way to get rid of this warning because it is not relevant to our OS" so your proposed solution is not working. Have you added the "-f" option? This solved my deploy to Heroku, which was failing because of the fsevents dependency. Brilliant! Thanks...
Do you want to request a feature or report a bug? i have this error error : heroku login is not a heroku command how can i solve it ? What is the current behavior? i cant make my first heroku windows64 8 What is the expected behavior? 7...
I've also added a 'heroku_deploy' task ('hr') that I use for heroku push and scale that also can be user together with 'heroku_runtime' task. This is my preferred method of deploying and rebuilding virtualenv - everything happens in one command and I can choose when to rebuild it, ...
Uninstall Node.js from "Add or remove programs". Fire up a new Command prompt and type gulp -v and then node -v to check that it has been uninstalled completely. Download and install Node.js v10.16.0 - not the latest as latest node & gulp combination is causing the p...
These days if you want to install a different version of node you do it this way: First search for your desired package: brew search node This might give you the follow results: heroku/brew/heroku-node ✔ node ✔ node@10 node_exporter nodenv libbitcoin-node node-build node@12 ✔...
I have tried to remove the infection using Norton, Malwarebytes and also Norton's 'Power Eraser' but the infection persists. The error message reads: Norton blocked an attack by:Web Attack: JSCoinminer Website/ An intrusion attempt by thrillingos.herokuapp.com was blocked ... Web Attack: JS...
}voidfree(void* ptr){charbuf[32];staticvoid* (*real_free)(void* ptr) =NULL;if(real_free ==NULL) { *(void**)( _free) = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT,"free"); }sprintf(buf,"free called, ptr address = %p\n", ptr); write(2, buf,strlen(buf)); ...
Heroku 1 KB 0 ms Secomapp 1 KB 0 ms Bugsnag 0 KB 0 ms Cheers, Oli ——— Founder @ www.preproduct.io Test and make sales for future products 0 Report Reply In response to OliUK Sam100 Shopify Partner 3 0 1 07-16-2020 02:06 PM @OliUK - Thanks for helping out i...
All webapi’s are open to any client that knows how to call them. Be sure to use https so network sniffers can not see the packets. You should not count on the client to perform any security checks, the server should always duplicate the checks. if it is a corp app, you can ...