Girl Culture, Unspectacular Resistance and Social Media – A Study of How Adolescent Girls Undo Emphasized Femininity through Shitposting Charlotte Larsen Qvotrup Jensen...
How can one prove the statement $$\lim_{x\to 0}\frac{\sin x}x=1$$ without using the Taylor series of $\sin$, $\cos$ and $\tan$? Best would be a geometrical solution. This is homework. In my math class, we are about to prove that $\sin$ is continuous. We found out, tha...
There is no way to undo a delete except by performing an Abort < A> . To view the changes to the line, type < L> . The entire line will be displayed. ESC Escape From Insert And Replace Modes This command turns off the Insert Mode. If you wish to use other editing commands while...
During a subsequent cued recall test, participants viewed fictive information about an opponent's accuracy on each item. In Experiment 1, participants responded to each cue once before seeing the opponent's performance and once afterwards. Participants reconsidered their responses least often when the ...
Hi Eleven Tan, Welcome to the MSDN Forum. Please take a look at this thread: the key part subroutine is this: 复制 Private Function GetVideoInformation(ByVal videoFilePath As String...
default parameters and other ES6 features that help save space. So I needed to manually undo some of that and perform a few more ‘risky’ minification techniques to squeeze out every last byte. It’s not a huge win though, the bulk of the savings comes from the structure of the code ...
I won it after a few ‘f7’ undos to the beginning. The first time took me 40 minutes. The second time, ten. How do I get my $1000? LOL. Comment by Keith on March 25, 2013 @ 7:16 pm @Keith That’s fantastic! Just send me the steps to beat the game. They can be writte...
If you make tan(θ) parallel then you need to make the points S and Q the same. For whatever reason, this is the proof I like the most because it relates the tangent line at the point on the circle to the value we call "tangent". To each his own... –tkr Commented Oct...
The theoretical and practical implications of this study and directions for future research are also presented.doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2021.120962TanVo-ThanhMustafeed ZamanRajibul HasanRaouf AhmadRatherGiustinaSecundoTechnological Forecasting and Social Change...
The 1994 Gun-Free Schools Act: Its Effects 25 Years Later and How to Undo ThemKylee ConeyUniversity of Illinois at ChicagoDecoteau J. IrbyUniversity of Illinois at ChicagoRoutledgePeabody Journal of Education