Adri_Glover 2024年3月12日 英语(美国) 德语 关于德语 的问题 请教我一个使用 Pinky promise / pinky swear - how do you say „pinky swear (we can have ice cream tomorrow)…“To make a pinky promise to someone. 的例句。 最好是在日常生活中经常使用的句子。 查看翻译 ...
"I'm gonna say something so scary," she prefaced. "I'm always going to make music, I'm always going to go on stage, I'm always going to do pop stuff, I pinky promise. But I don't think doing it at the rate I've been doing it for the past 10 years is where I ...
pinky promise this is the last one - HOW TO CHANGE THE SLOT OF THE TAIL Endorsements 0 Total views 155 this is another super quick one! i will be using language similar to my matswap article so check it out if you get confused, ARMA- armor addon, ARMO - armor ...
I have knocked on wood and thrown salt and thrown a ball far, far away and all of the things you’re supposed to do to undo bad fortune. I am so very truly sorry that I yelled what I yelled and 2020 has been such an upside down and sideways debacle and I’m sorry that I was ...
MARKETS: Demand for carbon credits spikes as Hamas seeks to undo damage to Earth's atmosphere caused by burning 10,000 tires on Gaza border BREAKING: After state reassignment surgery Pennsylvania will henceforth be known as Transylvania Experts: If we don't act now, unicorns will be extinct in...
My favorite tool probably is one that I don’t necessarily want to admit fully, but it’s probably the undo send function in email, and also the delay delivery function in email. At least for the latter one, I’m not as embarrassed about that one. But I like using the delay delivery...