When you click on a movie on Rotten Tomatoes, the first thing you see are two independent scores. One signifies an aggregation of critical ratings of a film (the“Tomatometer”) and the other, denoted by a popcorn bucket, displays audience consensus on a film. In regards to critical reviews...
Unlike regular TV, Tubi has fewer ads. Nevertheless, you can choose from several popular movies and TV series. Not only that the movies available are free, but they come into different categories and have high ratings from IMDb. Their vast library holds content from well-known studios, which ...
it moved to Mondays. After the fifth season, the show was canceled due to low ratings. However, Connors and Crawford remained life-long friends. Connors admired Crawford’s work on the set and said he always respected the cast and crew. ...
you should be able to get enough seeds from one pepper, but usually there will be way more than sufficient. But if you are interested in growing many plants, consider how many seeds are in the peppers as you buy them, because some may have TONS of seeds...
Because of the Falcon being used as a smuggling ship, I wanted to see if there was any correlation between Energy Usage and whether or not cargo was on board. However, these were obviously created by someone that doesn't really understand effective graphs because of the combining of different...
Now that you understand why first-hand experience matters, here’s another part of this equation: 2. Experience in the Field This is where things get interesting. Here’s why: You can theoretically demonstrate “expertise” with degrees, certifications, etc. ...
it may be not clear if you are asking to rate a brand, a product or customer service. And make sure that rating labels are unambiguous for novice users, too. Even if users understand the rating system, they may not know whether the ratings have been given by customers, the website owne...
it may be not clear if you are asking to rate a brand, a product or customer service. And make sure that rating labels are unambiguous for novice users, too. Even if users understand the rating system, they may not know whether the ratings have been given by customers, the website owne...
She illustrates her points through the example of a “ratings” style pattern used by Rotten Tomatoes: 1. Define the UX pattern— First and foremost, you should understand what the pattern does. The main functions of the ratings pattern are to give users quick feedback, allow the user’s ...
First, understand that you haven’t done anything of the sort, because this popular streaming platform has lots of great shows worth watching. Second, continue reading to find out how todiscover the best new Netflix content, so you never have to get up from your sofa ever again. ...