How to understand local structure versus long-range structure: the case of UO2.wall domain PDF diffraction UO2A recent trend in the development of new optimized materials makes use of crystalline domains having nanometer sizes for which characterization methods at the atomic scale are mandatory. ...
To understand how interference fringes form on film, you need to know a little bit about light. Light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum — it's made of high-frequency electrical and magnetic waves. These waves are fairly complex, but you can imagine them as similar to waves on water...
The electronic configuration of an atom is a powerful tool to understand its physical and chemical properties. By applying the Aufbau principle and its exceptions, we can write the electronic configuration of any element using its atomic number and its position in the periodic table. By using hybr...
Electron configuration is the electron arrangement in an atom. We shall focus on The Ground state electron configuration. It is the base to understand the molecular bonding, structures, and properties. The ground-state electron configuration enlightens many different atomic properties from the electrons...
There's a huge amount of theory around electron orbitals, but to understand light there is just one key fact to understand: An electron has a natural orbit that it occupies, but if you energize an atom, you can move its electrons to higher orbitals. A photon is produced whenever an ...
To understand the dissolution behavior of precipitates during aqueous corrosion, we analyzed the compositions of precipitates and matrix in three neighboring zones in the peak-aged state, with zones 1–3 marked in pink, purple and red rectangles, respectively, in Fig. 3a. These three regions are...
In summary, the research reported here on learning progressions for students’ use of the conservation laws to understand carbon-transforming processes explains why students’ accounts of basic processes differ in so many ways from scientific accounts. As students move from macroscopic accounts to accoun...
Sodium channels are central to a host of fundamental cellular processes, including sensory perception, pain, and muscle contraction. In order to understand any of these processes in detail, it is necessary to know the atomic structure of the channel proteins both with and without bound sodium ions...
Althoughthereisnostandardpatternforagoodparent-childrelationship,somecommonfactorscancontributetoamoresuccessfulrelationship: .respecteachother; .supportandencourageeachother; .understandeachother; .havefuntogether;and .befriends. Yes,manyparentsareexpectingtomuchoftheirchildren.First,mostfamilieshaveonlyonechildand...
Disordered structures such as liquids and glasses, grains and foams, galaxies, etc. are often represented as polyhedral tilings. Characterizing the associated polyhedral tiling is a promising strategy to understand the disordered structure. However, sinc