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下文 If you know what all the words in a song are supposed to mean, you can easily understand how the language works. 说如果你知道一首歌中所有单词的意思,你就很容易理解这门语言是如何运作的了。该空承上启下,F选项“这一点尤其重要,它能让你与外国音乐的普通歌迷和听众区别开来”切题,选项是上...
Nasdaq Carbon adds Hugo Bashall as Head of Operations Carbon Underwriting Carbon has announced the appointment of Hugo Bashall as Head of Operations with immediate effect. Bashall began his insurance career at MS Amlin, performing a number of r..View article ...
(2005). How easy is it for speakers of Dutch to understand Frisian and Afrikaans, and why? Linguistics in the Netherlands, 22, 13-24.Bezooijen, Renee van & Charlotte Gooskens. 2005. How easy is it for speakers of Dutch to understand Frisian and Afrikaans, and why? Linguistics in the ...
Learning the grammar of a language will enable you understand how sentences are constructed and to construct your own sentences. Without a knowledge of grammar all you can do is learn individual words and phrases. Don't assume that the grammar of your L2 will be the same as your L1. No ...
While there is no level called "fluency," the description of each level can help to give you an idea of your current Korean ability, goals, and what you really consider to be fluent:Level A1:In this level, you can:Understand and use familiar Korean everyday expressions and very basic ...
During traveling abroad, it’s often not easy to communicate with people because you don’t know the language there. However, when you understand what they said, it’s good to tell them that you understand what they mean. As they may put effort to make you understand by using body langua...
It’s of course not difficult to understand why “por favor” is such a common way to say please. The list of countries that use “por favor” includes: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Guatemala, Honduras,...
1. Afrikaans: Dankie Dankie works for most situations, but to say thank you very much, use the longer expression Baie dankie, where baie means a lot. 2. Arabic: شكرا (shukraan) While this is the more general thank you in standard Arabic, you can get a little more specific...