I sadly say that this is not a way to unclog very troublesome drains. But it is a great way to keep on top of a slow-moving drain or after you’ve used an oil/sugar scrub (which I’ve noticed tends to increase the likelihood of future clogging). Don’t even get me started, thou...
The two great things about using spray paint to give a fresh coat of paint to just about anything is that the finish will be smooth and even with not a brush stroke in sight. The other good thing about using spray paint over brush-on paint is the ease of use on textured items, like...
39. Unclog your slow-draining tub or sink using a simple drain clearer. Tap to play GIF Amazon You just insert it down your drain, twist it a few times via the handle, let the grabby micro-hooks on the tip (similar to Velcro) do their work on the stuck, clogging hair and debris...