How do I include the EBNF square brackets on a new line and set the font to typewriter throughout my grammar in the syntax package? 3 How to put a frame around the grammar syntax in LaTeX 1 How to Make Index Recognize an Exclamation Point as Part of an Entry 1 How to repeat...
The technology we create will survive us, and its impact will be unevenly felt—the fruits of progress aren't unconditionally good.We've come a long waytowards improving our lives, and we can still go so much further. There are so manyproblems to solve. ...
shapes and line segments. The congruent symbol is an equals sign with a tilde over the top of it, ≅, and once you can define congruence, it's easy to use the symbol correctly in principle. However, in practice, the main issue you encounter is producing the symbol in word...
I wish to write a paper about linguistics, so I thought about trying LaTeX. Sadly I couldn't figure out how to write the unique characters I need for my work, for example epsilon with a little tilde above it, i with two dots above it, velar nasal and so on. I know I can write ...
How To Enable Cheat Console As Ark (Atlas is developed by the same team), Atlas also has a cheat console that you can enable logging as an admin. To do that, you need to press tab or tilde (‘`‘) on your keyboard and type “enablecheat Password”. ...
In a function A commenter said: I wish Python had a function for first() and last() like Lisp does... it would get rid of a lot of unnecessary lambda functions. These would be quite simple to define: def last(a_list): return a_list[-1] def first(a_list): return a_list[0] ...
vim-dbg vim-latexsuite vim-runtime When we use <tab> completion with apt, we see that it gives us a list of available packages. We can then type in the additional letters needed to get a unique hit. In this case, typing “-ad<tab>” will complete the command as needed. ...
i'm trying to map key <ESC> {[ LSGT ]} or use replace key with the following script below, while then applying the level5(lsgt_switch) to get an additional modkey -- or at least get an extended range of symbols for LaTeX/Julia... hidden partial xkb_symbols "swapcaps" { key <...
begin_inset CommandInset label LatexCommand label name "fig:model1.thinWalledVessel" \end_inset \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Step 2: \emph on This model is to become a part of a library of models which others can use in the future....
ASCEND has tools to extract notes and display them in searchable form. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset Index idx status collapsed \begin_layout Plain Layout comments, active \end_layout \end_inset In Figure \begin_inset CommandInset ref LatexCommand ref reference "fig:model2....