Learning how to type faster offers substantial benefits, from saving time and boosting productivity to improving focus and unlocking career opportunities. The better you understand how different factors influence typing speed, the easier it is to improve your WPM (words per minute) speed. This guide...
Trying to knock out a 60,000-word novel? Or just a 1,000-word blog post? These tips for how to write faster will help you stay focused to reach your goals.
If you can bang out more than 40 words per minute (wpm) on a keyboard, you might be wondering how to make money typing. The great news is if you've got a computer at home and a steady internet connection, the world is your oyster. Some of the most popular ways to earn money typi...
I currently type between 60 and 70 WPM (words per minute), so that's above average, but I want to get to 100 WPM. To accomplish this I must learn to type properly as my hands and fingers currently move at their maximum speed. ...
It was noted in some research that right-handed children tend to write faster than children who are left-handed. This could be because of paper placement in regard to right-handed vs. left-handed and also the handwriting instruction received by right-handed vs. left-handed students. (Graham ...
WPM is valuable in programming and software development because it directly affects productivity. The ability to type quickly and accurately allows programmers to write code more efficiently, which in turn speeds up the development process. Faster typing enables programmers to express their ideas more ...
As humans, we think and speak at much faster rates than we are capable of handwriting. The average handwriting speed of adults is around 20 words per minute (wpm). Even award-winning typists are only able to achieve slightly over 200 wpm (the average person clocks in at just around 40)...
If you are motivated and have time to waste, you can create all the redirections for your articles by hand, but there is a much faster solution: yes, regular expressions. You can create a regular expression that transforms all URLs /desserts/postname into URLs /sweet/postname. So how does...
Deposition from air. In this case, the input is dependent on the surface of the water body. Due to faster dilution, rivers are less at risk than lakes. The ENM are diluted upon entry into the water bodies. The dilutionde factodepends on the size of the water body and can have values...
Once we start to subconsciously recognize letters and common words, we read faster. We become more proficient at reading under similar conditions, an idea best encapsulated by type designer Zuzana Licko: “Readers read best what they read most.” ...