Learning how to type faster offers substantial benefits, from saving time and boosting productivity to improving focus and unlocking career opportunities. The better you understand how different factors influence typing speed, the easier it is to improve your WPM (words per minute) speed. This guide...
How to Type Faster than 60 WPM If you get to the point where you can type over 60 WPM, you have achieved a very proficient typing speed. Most people will need to want to improve in order to improve past this point. Consider investing in a keyboard that you will enjoy typing on. Even...
to do this is to ignore the valuable information found elsewhere in New Relic. It’s akin to treating symptoms rather than digging in and finding the root cause.
Speed reader: Reading emails takes much time, but you can save it with the speed reader feature that helps limit your distractions and therefore allows you to read emails faster. When your speeding reading skills improve, you can change your words per minute level, up to 1,000 WPM....
Mark your first line and read with a timer for 1 minute exactly-do not read faster than normal, and read for comprehension. After exactly one minute, multiply the number of lines by your average words-per-line to determine your current words-per-minute (wpm) rate. ...
I expect J to be both faster and more concise than Python, but neither is true here. The Python script is only slightly longer than the J script. It also runs much faster, completing in less than a tenth of the time. Most of this time difference is due todec_pjson_being slow as ...