You can choose either “Swedish” or “Swedish Pro” settings and only the “Swedish Pro” setting allows you to access the “at” symbol using the normal Option key + number 2 key combination. Useful Tips If you’re not sure which region or country your keyboard is from, check Apple’s...
Finally, double-click the symbol you want to insert to add it to your text. Using keyboard shortcuts Using the Character Viewer to type special characters when typing can slow you down. Thankfully, Apple allows you to use keyboard shortcuts to type some special characters on your Mac quickly...
Summation symbol [Σ] Quick Guide To type the Summation symbol on a Mac, use the [Option] + [w] keyboard shortcut. For Windows users, hold down the Alt key and enter 228 using the numeric keypad, then let go of the Alt key. ...
In today’s guide, you are going to learn how to type the degree symbol on keyboard, for both PC and Mac. Whether you are using a laptop or a desktop, a Mac or a Windows PC, I’ll show you how to type this symbol on any keyboard using a shortcut or the degree symbol’s Alt...
On Windows, it's... less simple: you need to use an alt code to get an em dash symbol. If you have a numeric keyboard, hold down the Alt key and type 0151 for an em dash or 0150 for an en dash. And that series of words was so profoundly absurd that it gave me a migraine....
To use theGammasymbol shortcut on Windows (for Word), obey the following instructions: Place the insertion pointer in the right place. Type 0393 on your keyboard, then press Alt + X. This will convert the numbers into the Gamma symbol at where you place the insertion pointer. ...
Switch over to wherever you need the symbol, whether in MS Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, and press Ctrl + V to paste. This is how you may copy and paste the exclamation mark symbol using the character map on Windows. Method #6: Typing an Exclamation mark symbol/emoji on keyboard ...
The following are the detailed steps you can take to type this symbol on Windows using the Alt Code keyboard shortcut: Open your document where the symbol is to be typed. The cursor should be positioned in the desired location. Press and hold on to one of your Alt Keys. ...
How to type Euro symbol on a Mac keyboard –€ On a U.S. keyboard to type euro you need to press: Alt/Option-Shift-2 = € On a U.K. keyboard to type euro you should press: Alt/Option-2 = € European keyboards give more prominence to the Euro sign, but the location of the...
Type a Bullet Point on a Mac Keyboard Mac users can type the bullet point using the keyboard shortcut Option + 8. Here’s how to type the symbol using your MacBook or Mac computer: Place the cursor or insertion point where you want the symbol to be inserted in your document. Press an...