In part 1 of the How to Edit a Manuscript series, we introduced you to the way Story Grid approaches editing a manuscript and gave you the first three
As for how to layout your manuscript pages and determine their look, following certain general rules will make your manuscript look professional. For more detail, refer to the “Implementing Formatting” section. Use 12-point type Use a serif font; the most common choice isTimes Roman Double sp...
Once you manuscript has come back from reviewers you may be given the opportunity to revise it in accordance with the reviewer comments. You will usually receive a letter from the editor who handled your manuscript outlining the changes they would like you to make and links to ...
No publisher I know would even consider a typewritten manuscript, let alone one submitted in handwriting. The publishing industry runs on Microsoft Word, so you’ll need to submit Word document files. Whether you prefer a Mac or a PC, both will produce the kinds of files you need. And if...
Set a margin of 1 inch (2.5cm)on all four sides of your manuscript. This is usually already the default setting in Word, but double check on your computer to make sure. Align text to the left;the right hand side should remain ragged. (I.e., don’t set your text to be justified....
First paragraph: include the title of your manuscript and the type of manuscript it is (e.g. review, research, case study). Then briefly explain the background to your study, the question you sought to answer and why. Second paragraph: you should concisely explain what was done,...
How to format a book for publishing in 6 steps 1. Import your fully-edited manuscript This step is pretty straightforward. Whether you've been usingMicrosoft Word,Google Docs, oranother service, use the "Import Book"function on Reedsy Studio to import your manuscript. ...
Of course, you can edit your own work, too, but don’t underestimate the advantage that comes with a fresh pair of eyes. Keep reading: 3 Ways to Expedite Your Editing Process How to prepare your manuscript Whichever method of publishing you decide to pursue, the first thing you need to ...
When you send your manuscript to agents and editors, you'll want to include a title page to let people know how to contact you and where to send the checks. Type your name, address, phone number, and email address in the upper left corner in single-spaced, 12-point Courier. In the ...
both fiction and nonfiction. I have never had a complaint about my formatting, I have never had work bounced for formatting, so I know that both of these formats are professionally acceptable.These are not the only correct manuscript formats out there. There is, contrary to beginner myth and...