An industrial user having a licence under Acid Control Act, 2002 (Act No. 1 of 2002) and Acid (Import, Production, Storage, Transport, Sale and use) Control Rules, 2004 shall be allowed to import any sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid; nitric acid; phosphoric acid; caustic potas...
Since it is so unexpected and abrupt, an immediate resignation letter might seem like a smack in the face; You’ve lost a worker in an instant. It might be due to work-related challenges, wellness issues, or even increased stress. In some instances, the worker may wish to remain anonymou...
For importing prescriptions, it can be only done under an authorized importer with an import license from the Ministry of Public Health. If it is for personal use, then only a reasonable quantity is allowed with an affidavit letter to explain that the items are not for commercial use. Addi...
A memo provides important information. It is a declaration that informs people working within a company and often requires the receiver of the memo to take some kind of action such as adhering to a new policy or attending a training seminar. Since memos are sent out to alert an entire group...
How can I open a bank account in China? Whether you do business in China or you’re moving to China as a foreigner with a residence permit, opening a bank account in China has many benefits. This article has been expanded and updated to include the experiences of other foreigners, so ma...
If the agency refuses to put the decision in writing, we will document this refusal. We will provide a declaration explaining that the police certificate has been denied and that the denial cannot be overcome through reasonable efforts. The declaration will be accompanied by supporting evidence, ...
(Optional) You can also select an individual selector to see what code elements in your code file are affected by that selector. Note down the selectors that you want to edit and update and close theToken Inspector. More like this
Try selecting a single item instead cannot open source file "stdafx.h" cant find declaration of structure in .h file capturing and injecting click events into a win32 GUI with an external program Cast unsigned char (uint8 *) pointer to unsigned long (uint32 *) pointer CFileDialog and OFN_...
Declare the unmanaged function that you want to call in your managed code. In C#, use the static and extern keywords. In Visual Basic, use the Shared keyword. You should map the unmanaged and managed types appropriately. Add aDllImportAttributeto the declaration created in the previous step an...
from a specific chamber of commerce. Chambers of commerce usually only certify verifiable information. However, if presented with a declaration attesting to commercial details that can't be checked, the chamber will digitally stamp the document and attest to the position and identity of the ...