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1 step (d) it picks an exponent at random rather than the most frequent exponent, the result is a perpetually unstable system in which neither mean conditional entropy nor the number of inflection classes reduces at all (Ackerman & Malouf, 2015, 11). Court et al. (2023) use Theil’s U...
A logarithm is a mathematical function that indicates, for a given base, the power (i.e. exponent) to which the base must be raised in order to produce that number. Standard. The manager developed an algorithm by which he could determine which candidate would best meet the needs of the...
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An intercollegiate conference, which would become the forerunner of the NCAA, approved radical rule changes for the 1906 season. They legalized the forward pass, abolished the dangerous mass formations, created a neutral zone between offense and defense and doubled the first-down distance to 10 yar...
This concept is a rather radical departure from the conventional system, but it is now being verified by the significant fabric observation of extensive feldspar dissolution and no/little carbonate dissolution in many buried sandstones (Armitage et al. 2010; Baker et al. 2000; Ceriani et al. ...
thin, spectacled (he struggled with sight his whole life), Huxley could effortlessly quote thousands of years of literature and deliver insight to you in a reedy trans-Atlantic accent.But his traditional appearance hid a mind of radical invention and the willingness to go where his creativity led...
”Cora Diamond’s response to the statement of the NAWS’s aims turn onthe way that they take the “two-Wittgensteins” view for granted:I do object, however, to the introduction of what seems to me a particu-lar reading of Wittgenstein into the very statement of the aims of the...