It’s essential to pay attention to make sure all of the water has drained out of the backflow, piping, and sprinklers. Once you are sure all of the water has been drained out, you can close all of the manual drain valves. The gravity approach isn’t foolproof because low spots can c...
After a long winter, it’s finally spring! That means it’s time to start prepping your lawn for the warmer months. We hope you remembered to turn off your hose bibb – commonly known as a spigot or outdoor tap – before winter hit. If so, now you’ll need to turn it back on!
While you can manually drain the water from your system to help prevent freezing, some water can still remain and damage pipes. If all the water is not removed, you could have significant damage waiting for you in the spring.To protect your sprinklers from freeze damage, we recommend a spri...
Every spring, I save over $100 by turning on my sprinkler system myself. In this article, I'll teach you how to turn on sprinkler system so you can do the same. Turning on your sprinklers in spring is a lot easier than blowing out sprinkler systems in winter. In spring, you're ess...
When the time comes, you will want to get your irrigation system ready for the harsh winter. Proper winterizing sprinklers avoids unpleasant, wet surprises.
How to Winterize Your Sprinkler Systems To winterize your sprinkler system and get it ready for the cold winter months, follow these steps: Turn the water supply off. Depending on how your system was built, you will be able to find the main valve (sometimes called manual drain valve or...
When the time comes to turn off your sprinkling system and brace for the colder months of fall and winter, there are a few crucial steps to take beforehand. If you skip these steps, your sprinklers might not work as well, if at all, when you reactivate the system next spring. So why...
How do you tell if your trees are dead after a freeze? You can tell if the tree is dead by scratching away the bark in late winter. If the material is green underneath, then the tissue is still alive. If the bark has begun to crack and flake off, and the underneath is brown and...
lawn winterization. Find out how to winterize your lawn the right way: keep mowing, rake leaves and debris, water, aerate, dethatch, overseed, apply fertilizer and soil amendments, control weeds, control pests, control diseases, maintain your tools, winterize your sprinklers, and remove snow....
Note: Motion-activated sprinklers may not work during winter if the temperature drops low enough to freeze the water in your hose. If you live in a colder climate, install the sprinklers in spring or summer so neighborhood cats are trained to stay away from your yard before winter rolls arou...