A line interactive uninterruptible power supply, like this CyberPower CP1500PFCLCD, continuously converts AC (alternating current) electrical power to DC (direct current) and then back to AC, removing all electrical noise in the process. Cyberpower One thing you could c...
Don’t buy unless you know all of the specs:Turn to companies that have no problem revealing the exact name, brand, and model of each component. That gives you the option to do even more research into every part, or, at the very least, tells you that the company has nothing to hide...
Circling back to that CyberPowerPC brings us to one of the biggestproblems with prebuilts— the components often aren’t chosen in a cost-effective way, by which we mean in a way that maximizes performance per dollar and makes sense in a gaming computer. At a glance, there are a few t...
Static electricity is everywhere, and you can never totally get rid of it. You can only mitigate it, which engineers have done for a lot of products - some datasheets will even list the safe voltage that they can take, based on the amount of time it takes to discharge a static charge,...
Even in this cloud-centric world, there remain good reasons to own and run a physical server out of your office (or even home). Which server? That depends entirely on what you'll be using it for.
a-Punch on Firebase Z, you first need to talk to Ravenov—he’s next to the Pack-a-Punch machine in the Atrium—and then make your way to the teleporter. This portal will allow you to travel to the Firebase portion of the map, where you’ll have to turn on three Aether Reactors....
This means that when you turn your computer off, the data in the RAM memory vanishes. So what is the point of RAM? Well, it’s incredibly fast. In the day-to-day operations of your computer, the RAM is where the processor stores the data it actually needs to use from moment to mom...
I've had this happen to me 20 some years ago, something to remember that when you turn off the key you may also be locking your steering wheel in position as well, you won't be able to turn it anymore. Something to check on your personal vehicle while your still parked. Putting the...
Since it wouldn’t be practical to turn your home theater into Faraday cage, you should instead look to lessen the strength of the radio signals your A/V gear needs protection from. I’m talking portable phones, cell phones, Wi-Fi equipment, and even computers....
out the right parts for a PC is time-consuming — often more so than actually building it. With the way components are priced these days, especiallygraphics cards, you may spend more money but get something that’s only slightly better; in some cases, it might even turn out to be worse...