Step 2: Now let's turn on VoiceOver. Press the Command + F5 keyboard shortcut at any time to activate VoiceOver. This will pop open a new window and announce the VoiceOver has been enabled. If this is your first time, it’s a really good idea to select Learn more, which will rea...
it won’t help users who can’t use a mouse since they won’t be able to use the Tab key to navigate to the skip navigation link. An improvement to the method above can be found on WebAIM:Links that become visible with keyboard focus. Skip navigation is easy to implement, but...
One Knee First - A Little Shortcut If you are having a little trouble getting to your feet with the pop up, then there is a short term solution to helping you get to the standing position. Instead of going straight up on to your feet, try sliding your front foot up the board, then...
making it available to assistive technologies that, in turn, interpret this meaning to users. This meaning gives users a wholesome sense of the webpage they are visiting, such as document structure and navigation assistance, or in this instant case, both document...
It needs to be short, but it is far better to take an extra ten seconds to tell your story well than to cut it so short that you tell it badly. No agent or editor in the world is going to be standing over you while you pitch, abacus in hand, ready to shout at you to stop ...
Step 2: Turn your phone off Related Apple launches ambitious health study to advance wellness tech The latest iOS update might have reactivated Apple Intelligence features This Reddit user wrote a Shortcut to estimate iPhone charging time Cut all power from the smartphone to avoid short circuiting...