Because climate change is expected to progress faster than forests can adapt [30], forest management has a particular focus on these two main tree species. The state forestry department of BW (Forst BW) intended to increase the ratio of broadleaved trees, particularly by replacing unsuitable ...
In addition to this, it also provides the user with a sense freedom (Anable and Gatersleben 2015; Eriksson and Forward 2009) and security (Buys et al. 2012). This in turn can be related to being in control, as they can decide when and where to travel. The personal disadvantages related...
negotiating with the definition of Israeli-ness since its beginnings and more even today, as "transnationalism" has become not only a lived daily experience among migrants or an ideological approach toward identity but also a challenge to the Zionist-Hebrew identity that is imposed on "repatriated"...