First make sure it's DISABLED in BIOS, then you create a new profile in Ryzen Master with Control Mode set to Precision Boost Overdrive. Then you manually set the PPT, TDC, and EDC values to what the ECO mode values would normally be for these CPU's (I don't know it offhand for...
Hello! Please check this topic for a zero rpm manual curve fix
I normally enable DShot Beacon, this allows you to turn your motors into a beeper when the drone is unarmed. It’s useful when your drone doesn’t have a buzzer, it can help you locate your drone after you crash. You also need to assign a switch on the radio to beeper in the Mode...
These features include reduced instruction rates, parking of idle threads and cores, and the ability to turn off clocks in both cores and memory to reduce power consumption. The SPARC T5 also adds Dynamic Voltage & Frequency Scaling (DVFS) capabilities. DVFS allows customers to set a powe...
GPU fan not spinning is one of the most severe problems faced by some graphics card users. A GPU fan is used to cool down the heatsink of the graphics card and prevents it from overheating. Almost, all the graphics cards come with a heatsink and fan (HSF
If I set the disk config to IDE my XP will boot, if I turn it back to RAID XP will hang after loading MUP.sys. It seems like Windows XP is having problems with the SATA RAID config. Any thoughts on this issue? Upvote 0 Downvote S stockstradr Distinguished Aug 3, 2009 14 0 18...
The next thing you need to do if you have a Wahoo trainer is to turn off ERG mode smoothing. While this makes for super pretty graphs, it also obscures the actual data we’re trying to evaluate. How can you tell if ERG mode smoothing is on? Check out the below graph that a DCR ...
Mining is picking back up a smidge in profits over the last couple days, so maybe the rx470 value isn't going to fall off the proverbial cliff immediately after all. This is a sold listing of yours, right?
which in turn resulted in the disappearance of surface water bodies. So, had it not been for the protective influence of the GMF, Earth’s oxidising atmosphere could not have emerged and persisted. The examples of Venus and Mars show what happens to the atmospheres of planets which did not...
Hello everyone, recently bought a rx 570, I installed everything ok, but it looks like an airplane turbine, 4057 rpm, I tried to change it manually, I loaded