To use an image textures alpha channel in Blender we need to set up a material that combines a shader node like Principled BSDF with a transparency BSDF node. We mix the two shaders together with a mix shader and use the alpha channel from the image texture node as the factor input. Le...
This shot was taken with a GoPro Hero10, wide mode, equalized in Blender to remove the fisheye, shot in 50 fps. What can I do to cure the flickering? I already tried to duplicate the layer twice, moved the middle frame (66% transparency) one frame forward, moved the top la...
I made an image with a transparent background, and am trying to copy>paste it into power point (or any other document). The background always changes to white when I paste it. How to preserve the transparency? Votes 1 Upvote Translate Translate Report Report ...
If you’re selling your art as digital downloads, you’ll probably want to go with either PNG or TIFF. TIFF generally offers better quality, but the tradeoff is a larger file size. Avoid JPEG as it doesn’t support transparency. I’d also recommend formatting your art in at least 300 ...
If you want quick, cheap prints and don't care about visible lines, an FDM 3D printer may be the best option. On the other hand, resin printing offers a better finish, among other benefits like strength and better transparency for clear prints, but you have to deal with a messy liquid...
Transparency in sourcing can build trust with customers. Interactive Workshops: Host baking workshops or classes, allowing customers to learn and engage with the baking process. It’s a unique way to connect with the community. Seasonal Specials: Create seasonal menus with items that change through...
Blendtec is a company that sells…blenders. Not exactly a sexy product. However, you might have heard of their “Will it Blend?” video series. In these videos, they blend all kinds of crazy objects, like iPhones, superglue, and even skeletons to answer the question: “Will it blend?”...
Bloody Mary recipes are as personal as those for Martinis. Purists will only use pepper sauce, Worcestershire sauce, salt and lemon to spice up tomato juice and vodka, but everything from oysters to V8 can be added. But what makes the perfect Bloody Mary
Just to be able to see what people are putting out there, I was able to know that customers really needed more, not only just transparency in the beauty space and in the products that they were using, but also just needed a community where they felt empowered in their own beauty. Felix...
Glass is also a great help when it comes to avoiding food waste, because it allows you to store all leftover food in jars, properly sealed with air-tight lids. The food stays good for a few days and the transparency of glass allows you to immediately identify what it contains (unlike ...