Focus Assistis the revamped “Quiet Hours” feature which instead of just turning off notifications for a particular time of the day lets you choose notification based on pre-defined priority, alarms, levels, or completely turn off everything. In this post, I will help you understand how you ...
Microsoft focus assist can be configured to turn off notifications for specific apps such as email, social media, or even just certain websites. Focus Assist is a feature that will help you focus on the task at hand by blocking out all other distractions. Contents How to Turn On Focus Assi...
Step 4. Turn at least the two top-most options to “ON” (Set time zone automatically and Set time automatically). Step 5. Click on “Sync now” if your time doesn’t update properly. Method 4. Use the Registry Editor to Turn Off Focus Assist Permanently Windows notification settings are...
How to enable Focus Assist: You can quickly toggle Focus Assist on or off from a quick action button in the Action Center. Or, to set up your rules with Focus Assist, just go to display settings > Focus Assist to pick which scenarios will automatically turn ...
To enable Focus Assist automatically on a schedule, scroll down to the "Automatic rules" section, and then click the "During these times" option. Turn on the toggle at the top of the screen. You can then set your preferred start time and end time, along with which days Focus Assist sho...
Also in Settings is a link toFocus assistoptions. Here, you can choose what times you want to get notifications. Here's how: Go toSettings>System>Focus assist At the top, selectPriority onlyto see only notifications selected from the priority list, or selectAlarms onlyto hide all notificatio...
1. During these times –This activity gives you an option to schedule time, i.e when Focus Assist should turn on automatically. So, click on this option to further customize its timings. Click on the Start time, choose the Hours and Minutes time when you want the Focus assist to turn ...
To activate Quiet Hours (also known as Focus Assist or Do Not Disturb), click on the Action Center icon near the bottom right corner of your taskbar. Alternatively, press the Windows + A shortcut. Click on the Quiet Hours (or Focus Assist) tile to toggle it on or off. Don’t see ...
Next, turn other Focus Assist features on or off. For example, you can get alarms only when duplicating your display, only priority messages while playing a game, or priority messages for the first hour after a feature update—restarting your system to finish an install. ...
You can confidently silence and hide any other notifications you find inconvenient. In fact, you have several options: turn them off completely; disable those from the most annoying programs; or use Windows 10’s Focus Assist mode to pause them. ...