與大多數 FPS 遊戲一樣,《Apex 英雄》的瞄準輔助設定有助於在主機和 PC 玩家之間實現公平競爭,因為 PC 玩家在使用滑鼠和鍵盤時比在主機上使用控制器的玩家稍有優勢。 我們建議主機玩家開啟射擊和近戰攻擊的瞄準輔助,好跟 PC 玩家公平競爭。 如果你是《Apex 英雄》或 FPS 遊戲新手,無論是在 PC 或主機上,我們...
Should I turn off aim assist? If you’re new to Apex Legends or FPS—whether on PC or console—we recommend starting with aim assist on until you get a better feel for the game. Experienced players may benefit by turning it off if they feel they are scoring more kills without it. If...
If you want to turn off the toggle aim, right-click on the boxes next to “Aim Down Sight (Toggle)” to unbind the keyboard combinations. Bind the “Aim Down Sight (Hold)” to the buttons or keys of your choice. Left-click on the box next to the setting name, then press the bind...
To add a friend on a different platform, the process is identical to adding a friend if they were on the same platform withinBack 4 Blood. You may remember that when you first launched the game, you were given a username just for this game that looks like your tag on Xbox or PlayStat...
Want to get better at Apex Legends™? Use our tips to learn how to play better and choose the best settings.
格闘攻撃時のエイムアシストについては、「格闘ターゲット補正オン」または「オフ」で調整します。 エイムアシストはどの程度影響しますか? ほとんどのFPSと同様に、「エーペックスレジェンズ」におけるエイムアシスト設定は、ゲーム機とPCを使うプレイヤーが混在するときに使用デバイスに...
Есливыновичокв Apex Legends илималознакомысшутерамиотпервоголицавообще (будьтонаПКиликонсолях), мырекомендуемвначалепоигратьсовключён...
En los shooters en primera persona (FPS), a menudo la diferencia entre la victoria y la derrota la marca la persona que apunte mejor. Nada más cierto en un juego como Apex Legends, donde la leyenda que aguante hasta el final es la que gana. ...
Apex 레전드나 FPS를 PC나 콘솔에서 처음 플레이하는 경우 게임에 익숙해질 때까지 조준 지원으로 시작하는 것을 권장합니다. 숙련된 플레이어는 조준 지원 없이 더 많은 처치를 ...
Should I turn off aim assist? If you’re new to Apex Legends or FPS—whether on PC or console—we recommend starting with aim assist on until you get a better feel for the game. Experienced players may benefit by turning it off if they feel they are scoring more kills without it. If...