If you’re at your wit’s end, don’t fret. We’ll share with you a bunch of easy-to-follow fixes that could help you getFFXIVworking in no time. What causes the FFXIV 90002 error? If you’re getting error 90002 in FFXIV, don’t fret. It’s a common error where the server dr...
The unfortunate part is that Game Time Cards only come in the Standard Subscription tier. If you only have an entry-level sub, you have to upgrade to Standard before being able to redeem a Game Time Card at all. Additionally, don’t forget to turn off any active VPNs on your computer ...
You can help increase the odds of a Spectral Current activating in the zone by focusing on catching Spectral Fish. Once it’s active, most players should then focus on catching anything and everything, while burning GP on Double Hook uses during Medium (!!) and Large (!!!) tugs to hope...
Killing the two-head brute in The Callisto Protocol during the platform ride to Arcas isn’t easy, especially after the onslaught of enemies that came before
As in War Thunder (developer Gaijin’s F2P hit), you’ll also have access to a range of aircraft, tanks, and vehicles to help you on your way to victory, which are unlocked through the distinct skill sets of each of your squad members. As squad leader, it’s up to you to comman...
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is the newest release from Square Enix. A reboot and sequel of their earlier edition of FFXIV, this new version is a great MMO which can be played on the PS4 or a PC. The new version is easier to play and...
The risk we mentioned, however, is that they really respect your opinion, note down everything you say, and then go off and buy everything you recommend. Then they’ll be back asking for your help putting it together, and will be on the phone to you every other hour, from here to ...