Once, I wuz bored so I searched herobrine seeds for minecraft pe. I used jpgaming (if any "herobrine hunters want to investigate, go 1 block fwd from spwn, and a handful of blocks dwn. This is Herobrine's cave.). I found the cave and made a staircase into it using netherbrick ...
If you want to make it extra scary, get a Herobrine mod and summon him in the labyrinth. We cannot be held accountable for what may or may not appear in your pants! 2 Build the Temple of Mi'i. Make a temple to worship yourself! Of course, you can build a temple or church to ...
How toTame a Dog in Minecraft PE How toSummon Herobrine on Minecraft PE Using a Mod How toFind an NPC Village in Minecraft PE About This Article Written by: Travis Boylls wikiHow Technology Writer This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Travis Boylls. Travis Boylls is a...
How toSummon Herobrine on Minecraft PE Using a Mod How toFind an NPC Village in Minecraft PE About This Article wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 9 people, some anonymous, worked...
How toPlay Minecraft PE How toUse Seeds in Minecraft PE How toUpdate Minecraft PE How toSurvive and Thrive in Minecraft Pocket Edition How toFind Diamonds in Minecraft PE How toTame a Dog in Minecraft PE How toJoin Servers in Minecraft PE How toSummon Herobrine on Minecraft PE Using a Mod...