You need to develop kinesthetic awareness of exactly what you're trying to do, and feel it throughout the whole rotation, in the backswing and the downswing. Step One - Just the Obliques To begin with, we're going to focus on the backswing. We'll look at how the shoulders rotate as...
stopping when your forearm is again parallel to the ground. If you’ve rotated your hand correctly, your thumb should be aimed skyward while your palm is pointed in the opposite direction that it faced on your backswing.
Daily Video Tips Simplify Your Shoulder Turn 4:36 Daily Video Tips Grip Pressure for Max Distance 2:26 Daily Video Tips ‘Close to Perfect’ Backswing Drill 3:00 Daily Video Tips Green Reading Drill 2:33 Daily Video Tips The 45 Drill 4:13 Daily Video Tips See Your Line Better 2...
Rotation is the key. There is a reason that it’s called a shoulder turn – you are supposed to be rotating your shoulders away from the target in the backswing, and toward the target in the downswing. It’s not called a shoulder slide, because you need to avoid slidi...
To put your golf club in position for a powerful, repeatable downswing, you need link your arm swing and body turn on the backswing. Swinging the club too far around your body or picking it up too steeply forces you to compensate somehow on the downswing to get on a path for solid...
I like to check myself in thegolf swing training mirrorfirst to make sure that I'm doing it correctly. Yeah, looks good. All I need to do is put a club against my chest and belt buckle, just like I talked about in the axis tilt video, and slide my hip to the left until the ...
How ToUse a one plane hip turn for your golf swing ByWonderHowTo 03/16/2010 1:10 am Golf If you need some improvement on your golf swing, Mike LaBauve can help you. This small video golf tip will show you how to use a one plane hip turn for your golf swing. In a one plane ...
Practicing these golf swing positions in a mirror or a window is a great way to build the feeling of a great backswing. Keep practicing them, and slowly link them together until they feel like a single, natural movement. The downswing ...
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How to Make a Good Backswing in the Golf Swingsome Movements Happen One after Another and Some Simultaneously. the Takeawayis a Bunch of Upper-Body Movements That Happen at the Same Time. the Club,hands, Arms, Shoulders and Center of the Chest All Turn Away from the Ball as Asingle Unit...