Give presentations with your favorite slideshow software. Learn how to easily convert both Google Slides and PDF presentations into the PowerPoint PPT format.
Now that you know how easy it is to convert your Google Slides to PowerPoint, you’re probably curious if the opposite is also true. Read on to find out how to convert a PowerPoint file to Google Slides. How To Convert A PowerPoint File To Google Slides Format There are quite a few m...
Google Drive allows converting a presentation created in slides to Microsoft PowerPoint, ODP, PDF, and even images. Google Slides is a Microsoft PowerPoint alternative tool. If you are into the Google ecosystem, it makes sense for you to use Google Slides. However, many times, you need to sw...
A way around this is to export the Google Slides presentation to Microsoft PowerPoint and then save it as a video using that tool instead. This method is particularly useful if you want to include other multimedia elements or features in your presentation, as PowerPoint has more options for add...
How to Turn Google Slides Into a Polling Tool (Live Audience Engagement)Andrew Childress Nov 30, 2023 • 10 min read Presentations Presentation Techniques Google Slides When you give a presentation in Google Slides, engagement is the name of the game. You want to interact with your ...
How to Import PowerPoint to Google Slides You can also import a complete PowerPoint file or select individual slides to import into a Google Slides presentation. To import a PowerPoint file or individual slides to Google Slides, do the following: ...
In this article, we’ll walk you through two easy ways to turn Google Slides into an engaging, accessible video with ScreenPal: using Stories to create from a video storyboard, or record your presentation using the easyscreen and webcam recorder. We’ll also outline why ScreenPal is an ex...
If you're just getting started with making presentations in Google Slides, then this ultimate beginner tutorial guide is for you. Google Slides is a powerful alternative to PowerPoint. It's great...
If you wish to delete a section of slides, hold the “SHIFT” button, select the first and the last slide of the section, right-click and hit the “Delete” button. Follow the steps below if you want to hide a slide in Google Slides instead of deleting: ...
Converting your PowerPoint using Google Slides is a simple task which allows for collaboration and sharing across devices. Follow our instructional guide here.