With a little practice and the right techniques, you can learn how to draw eyes that are both beautiful and realistic. 1. Start with the Basics: The Shape of an Eye Before you dive into detail, it's important to understand the basic shape of an eye. Eyes are general...
The eyebrows give great definition to the eyes, express lots of emotions and make us look complete (google eyebrowless people if you don’t believe me) so adding eyebrows to our eyes is a great step into making them make sense. There are also lots of eyebrows shapes, different densities, ...
1)Continue learning how to draw realistic eyes in thisfree video series! 2)Download the free resources below The best way to improve your eye drawings is, unsurprisingly, to practice. Why not download a reference photo of the eye from this tutorial, the infographic to remind you of the step...
Learn how to draw a realistic eye using these easy step by step instructions. Find out how to give your eyes depth and life with this detailed tutorial.
How to Draw Realistic Eyes Step 4: Analyzing & Establishing the Value Structure After I have lightly filled in my shadow shapes and adjusted my proportions, I turn my attention to shading, or rendering. My first priority is to establish my value structure: to determine where my light, half-...
In this lesson, we'll look at drawing a realistic eye with colored pencils. If you want to check out the basics of drawing an eye with graphite pencils, please have a look at the following lesson... How to Draw Eyes Colored pencilsare a powerful medium for creating art. I definitely ...
Study articles about behavioral science to form a better understanding of how the mind works, the effect of habits on our progress, the challenges people struggle with, and how best to overcome them. Read a motivational article to start your day or turn your lunch break into a more enriching...
Most people are conditioned to think small because of what they have been told and experienced in life. They tried to go big but failed. They tried to pursue their big dreams, but their parents, teachers, and friends told them to be realistic. ...
At 18, Katie Stubblefield lost her face. At 21, she became the youngest person in the U.S. to undergo the still experimental surgery. Follow her incredible story.
eyes, or mouth of the animal (it may cause irritation). You may use a microfiber towel place the product onto the face gingerly. It is best left to sit for around five minutes or so, and then rinse it off completely (again, making sure not to get it into the eyes!). Reapply mult...