People plant a great number of young trees in the mountains.When the trees grow big and tall enough, they are cut down by workers and carried out of the mountains to the paper mill where fine paper is made from wood.Then it is taken to every corner of the country and used for differe...
Classify the following molecular solids into different types: (a) HCl (b) CO_2 (c) Solid ice (e) SO_2 Is water vapor a gas or solid? Explain. Dry ice will go directly from a solid to a gas at room temperature. Going directly from a solid to a gas is ...
Corals need to have the nutrient converted into solid form. And this is where the fish comes in. In this context, nutrients arrive in the sea from various sources in land, some diffuse, some point-like, in the form of run-off from rivers and seepage of ground-water and discharge ...
The high temperature also has an advantage: The steam that the fuel cells produce can be channeled into turbines to generate more electricity. This process is called co-generation of heat and power (CHP) and it improves the overall efficiency of the system. Alkaline Fuel Cell (AFC) This is...
That might sound weird, but it's just the way the chemistry plays out: dissolved CO2 molecules combine with water to form what's called carbonic acid, which in turn combines with carbonate to form hydrogen carbonate.可能有点危言耸听,但这是化学物质本身的特性所造成的,溶解的二氧化碳与水结合形成...
(6), as obtained by fitting the stretched exponential approximation to the MD data for K(U), the number of co-ion layers at equilibrium (Fig. 2). Equation (6) depends parametrically on τ, which, in turn, depends on the unknown co-ion diffusion coefficient Dc (eq. (5)). Accordingly...
Many scientists currently think at least 5% of humanity's carbon footprint comes from the concrete industry, both from energy use and the carbon dioxide (CO2) byproduct from the production of cement, one of concrete's principal components.Chemical Weekly group...
Well, here is a chart of world energy consumption by source to help you have a better insight into the present scenario Source:Image Ways in Which Energy Consumption is Changing Year After Year With the increase in population and a growth in economies that have led to prosperity, the demand...
However, he explains that when plotted on a graph, this particular pressure-temperature mix intersects very close to what is called a “triple point” where CO2can exist in all three states and can therefore turn directly from gas to a solid. ...
Fracking uses large amounts of water and releases toxic chemicals into the surrounding water table. Each well consumes a median of 1.5 million gallons, according to the EPA. This adds up to billions of gallons nationwide every year.7This not only reduces the amount of water available for drink...