Server OS: Ubuntu 20.04 Browser: Microsoft Edge, Chrome (latest version on Windows 11) Local Network: All devices are on the same LAN Question: How can I make Microsoft Edge or Chrome trust the self-signed certificate for my local domains? Is there a specific step I’m missing in configur...
The easiest solution is to configure your user account to trust the self-signed certificate as though it were issued by a trusted root certificate authority. To do so, use the following steps:Browse to https://localhost:44300/ (or whatever port IIS Express is using) using Internet ...
Resolution Number #1 - Configure your personal account to trust the IIS Express CertificateThe easiest solution is to configure your user account to trust the self-signed certificate as though it were issued by a trusted root certificate authority. To do so, use the following steps:...
All necessary steps are executed by a single OpenSSL invocation: from private key generation up to the self-signed certificate. Remark #1: Crypto parameters Since the certificate is self-signed and needs to be accepted by users manually, it doesn't make sense to use a short expirati...
Google Play Store is sending out warning emails to Android developers for apps that don't have a Privacy Policy URL added. Warning of Google Play Developer policy violation: Action Required: Policy issue If you received this email from Google, it m
Thus, you are likely to see the ERR_SSL_OBSOLETE_VERSION warning when visiting websites using older TLS versions such as TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1. When a website uses a deprecated and insecure SSL/TLS certificate, browsers block the connection to protect visitors from potential security risks such...
Using Chrome DevTools:This method uses the inbuilt limited set of devices that are available through simulations within the Chrome browser through Chrome DevTools. It gives a mobile view of your website on the desktop browser. Using a Real Device Cloud:This method gives access to a large library...
Also, you can use this CA to createmore than one SSL certificate. Create Certificate Authority As discussed earlier, we need to create our own root CA certificate for browsers to trust the self-signed certificate. So let’s create the root CA certificate first. ...
While the MOZILLA_PKIX_ERROR_SELF_SIGNED_CERT error code indicates the website uses a self-signed certificate, SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER means the SSL certificate is issued by a CA that is not known to Firefox. That said, the above troubleshooting steps are also valid for Firefox, even if ...
ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR shows up when a web browser (most commonly Google Chrome), is not able to establish a secure connection over HTTPS. Chrome blocks access automatically to protect users from being able to use or navigate a website that either doesn’t have its SSL certificate configured...