In a marriage after infidelity, your lack of confidence and trust in your partner makes you feel unsafe in your relationship. Moreover, it is difficult to know how to stop being insecure after being cheated on because who’s to say that it won’t happen again and how strong was the rela...
Rebuilding trust with your spouse- this is where the big-time work starts. If you both genuinely want the marriage to work after infidelity has occurred, then the rebuilding process must begin. But how? Things can’t be the same as they were before, can they? Sometimes spouses get so cau...
Discussing why the infidelity occurred is equally as important—make it a point to understand the root cause and build the solution into your new relationship rules. "Sometimes dissatisfaction, loneliness, or other legitimate issues lead to infidelity," explains McKinney. "Tending to and fixing these...
It's been many years now and I just recently felt I could ask her to revisit that painful memory. I explained that I wanted to write something for you, something to help you get through the first 24 hours after an affair had been discovered. She graciously agreed to help. I asked he...
Him losing your trust is a consequence of those actions. He is a man who not only lacks honesty by lying for those many years, but he lacks self-assurance and seeks validation from someone else. These characteristics make it hard to recommend building on that foundation unless what I s...
Trust issues can ruin your bond in the long run Concerns about financial honesty One of the types of trust issues involves fear offinancial infidelity. This could come up when a partner is not too well-versed with finances and leaves it to the other. And more often than not, it’s women...
Getting over infidelity is absolutely no joke. Infidelity breaks the structure of trust in a relationship, which fractures everything at the foundation. it’s very difficult not to live a paranoid life if you have been the one who was cheated on. ...
Whether you're married or have just started seeing someone, infidelity rates are on the rise and have increased over 40% in the last 20 years, so you have all the right to be worried. Perhaps you want to know if he's texting other women behind your back? Or whether he has active Ti...
Trust in an intimate relationship is rooted in feeling safe with another person. Infidelity, lies, or broken promises can severely damage the trust between partners, even leading totrust issues. However, when trust is broken, this does not necessarily mean that the relationship can't be salvaged...
How to stop unproductive arguments How to problem solve together How to rebuild trust after an affair / infidelity / rupture of trust You will receive: ‘Three Part I Message’ exercise – for expressing your feelings more productively and initiating change ‘Supportive Responding’ flowchart – to...