SQL Server Administration (2000) How to secure a database file?
Whenever you try to open a database in Access 2013, you'll see this warning in your Message Bar. If you trust the database, click Enable Content. You'll then be able to access the database, make changes to it, and everything else you would normally do. If you do not trust it, ...
Adatabaseis software that makes it easy to store, organize, and retrieve data from other software. As acontent management system, WordPress uses a database to store all your content and other website data. It then connects to the database each time someone visits your website. WordPre...
Here is a complete guide to everything you need to know about how to work and communicate asynchronously in a remote work environment. Learn more!
This system works on the basis of verifiable trust—anyone can see, use, and change any data on the whiteboard, but everyone can also see who sourced or changed a particular piece of data should it prove unreliable. I decided to organize the whiteboard metaphor into a table of parameters, ...
When using Trust security, PostgreSQL assumes that anyone connected to the server is authorized to access the database with the database username specified (i.e., the DB trusts that they are who they say they are). To lock this down, edit your pg_hba.conf to use a non-trust authenticat...
While some features, like GUI-based access, might fit into SaaS, overall, DBaaS is a good match for the PaaS category. Comparing Virtual Machines, Kubernetes, and DBaaS There are three main ways to migrate a database to the public cloud: 1. Virtual Machines: Can be combined...
Mobile users can be a pain in the neck for the IT pro. The convenience and portability of laptops must be weighed against the potential for data loss and the possible compromise of confidential company information. You can use NTFS permissions to control access to files and folders, and this...
Mobile users can be a pain in the neck for the IT pro. The convenience and portability of laptops must be weighed against the potential for data loss and the possible compromise of confidential company information. You can use NTFS permissions to control access to files and folders, and this...
Storing and sending sensitive data carries a lower risk thanks to tokenization. Without access to the tokenization system or database, the tokens are worthless, even if the tokenized data is intercepted or accessed by unauthorized parties.