About two weeks after your last frost, if daytime temperatures are at least in the 70s, you should be ready to transplant your seedlings. Plan on planting two seedlings per hill or crater. To do this, trim the top rims of your biodegradable pots so that they are even with the soil leve...
Cut through the rhizome using a clean pair of clippers. You might need to detangle the roots or, if they’re quite badly tangled, cut through them as well. While you’re in there, go ahead and remove any leafless backbulbs and propagate them as described below. Trim off any dead leave...
You still need to trim, dry and cure your buds before they will be ready to use. You first cut down your plant to prepare it for the drying and curing processes. “Curing” is the act of drying your buds slowly to preserve and enhance their taste and smell. Curing technically starts ...
Be sure to keep the soil moist while seeds germinate. It can take 2 to 4 weeks for seedlings to appear. Tip:Plantradishseeds in the gaps between parsley seeds. The radishes will sprout and grow before the parsley appears, and the radishes will mark the row. ...
Radish germination happens in 3 to 6 days; seedlings can be thinned to proper spacing once they have appeared. Use a garden scissor to cut green tops off at the soil level. Allow greater room for winter varieties. Space single rows or mounded ridges 10 to 16 inches (25-40cm) apart. ...
Blanket flowers do not require pruning or deadheading in order to grow and prolifically bloom, however, this can promote new growth and more flowers. Don’t be afraid totrim off spent flowersa few inches down the stem. Propagation Gaillardiacan be propagated through seed or division. However,...
Trim damaged leaves: If signs of light damage are visible on the plant, prune the affected leaves to prevent further harm and enable the plant to focus its energy on healthy growth. To fix low light stress, you can: Relocate the plant to a sunnier spot: If an outdoor plant isn’t ge...
Plant seedlings 12 to 24 inches apart. Water well at time of sowing/transplanting. Growing Thin young plants to 12 to 24 inches apart when they reach 6 inches tall. Fertilize with a nitrogen-rich product after thinning. Repeat every 3 to 4 weeks. ...
Trim Old Plants Out with the old and in with the new Plants that survived the cold weather and cold winter season would need to be pruned so that they’ll grow better this spring. Blooming plants should be pruned right away once they bloom to avoid cutting off future spring flowers. ...
The final and most exciting step is bringing plants into your greenhouse. Select plants suitable to the climate conditions of your region. If planting seeds or seedlings, maintain a consistent watering schedule, nurturing them properly. Extra pointers ...