Once you’ve opened up the plant to light and air, if there are still wispy branches that extend too far,trim those backwith your pruners. Thinning and shaping cuts taken each year will prevent overgrowth in the future. Evergreen bushes PublicDomainPictures.net|CC0 1.0 Manybroad-leaved eve...
You probably won’t need to cut anything back for the first few years. After that, evergreens are easy to trim in late spring and summer, while deciduous varieties can be pruned in the months between fall and spring. This winter we started to coppice some of our hedge, cutting a few ha...
Evergreens: The above pictures show my collection of branches from white pine, cypress, ivy, fraser fir, and some other random pine. I just mooched off of family and neighbors because you don’t need more than a few limbs of each. Just promise them you will cut without gapping the tree...
The strength of the knot might have changed your arrangement a little, so use the pruners to shape the swag how you want it, and trim the branches exposed at the top to a similar length, though be sure not to cut them down to near the ribbon! Thread the length of medium ribbon ...
Homeowners will periodically need to remove trees from their yard, and the remaining stump can create an eyesore or obstacle if not completely removed. Stumps can be removed through chemical rotting, grubbing the stump out of the ground, or hiring a comp
WhenNotTo Trim Leylandii Leylandii evergreens are hardy trees that can handle even excessive pruning, making them excellent hedges, but even these robust hedgerows have their limits. Avoid trimming leylandii in the late autumn, winter, and early spring. ...
Furthermore, certain evergreens -- arbor vitae is one of them -- give off ethylene, which hastens the aging and decay of fresh flowers. Should you find yourself the happy, but surprised, recipient of a bouquet of flowers and have no floral foam with which to make an arrangement, look ...
The fastest-growing spruce tree, according to the Arbor Day Foundation, is the triangular-shaped Norway spruce (Picea abies), which is part of many suburban home and rural farm landscapes throughout Europe, the United States and Canada.
Although you can trim back an aspen tree at any time, some times are better than others. It's safest to prune when the tree's dormant, so do major pruning during winter whenever possible, or in early spring before buds swell and put out new leaves. If you prune in late winter or ea...
Flowering shrubs bring year-round beauty to your landscape. But to look and perform their best, flowering shrubs need regular pruning. But pruning flowering shrubs is very different from pruning trees and evergreens. Success depends on knowing when to prune flowering shrubs and how to do it ...