Currently I have a tumbling window trigger which triggers a pipeline hourly, and the pipeline concurrency is set to 1. If the pipeline is already running for more than 1 hour the subsequent triggers (triggered every hour) get queued up and eventually start failing after 100. Is ther...
i want to make an azure machine learning pipeline to accept as an input data from synapse , and i want to trigger that pipeline from azure synapse to input the data and do some transformation and output that data back to synapse. how can i do that ?
With ABAP stack alerting it was possible to generate an alert using a function module which could be called from many different places (message mapping - RFC lookup, adapter module, abap proxy etc.). like shown in other blogs: How to raise alerts from ABAP Proxy For Component Based Message...
see lightning icon names add trigger, click and new/edit. Bring your mouse to choose trigger ...
Hi everyone! In my application i have two ESP32 WROVER. One in Sink mode and the other is the Source. The Source is able to startup, connect and stream the music. It's OK. But at the end of the current file i need to go to the next track...
see lightning icon names add trigger, click and new/edit. Bring your mouse to choose trigger ...
Configure a Trigger to set a schedule for the pipeline. Set up alerts in ADF by creating a new alert, adding criteria, alert logic and notifications. Learn more Integration runtime – Azure Data Factory & Azure Synapse | Microsoft Docs ...
Currently, I'm trying to add audio resampling library into ADF. As I can see, for standard elements in the pipeline, all you need is to declare input/processing/output, connect them into pipeline and start the loop. But I need to get audio samples from AUX input, resample and output th...
Copy data from Db2 to Azure SQL DB using single Copy Activity In ADF pipeline, included Source as Db2 and use the linked service created in previous steps. If source data is huge then we might want to use Lookup table approach and invoke parallel copies...
Hi All, The purpose of this document is to provide the concrete steps for connecting to SAP Hana Trial Instance on the cloud from your java program through JDBC.