Clean the wound.Once you’ve stopped the bleeding, rinse the cut under cool running water or use a saline wound wash. Clean the area around the wound with soap and a wet washcloth. Don’t get soap in the cut, because it can irritate theskin. And don’t usehydrogen peroxideor iodine,...
How to Treat a Puncture Wound When You’re Hiking Once the splinter is out, clean the wound thoroughly with soap and water or a saline wound wash and apply antibiotics and a sterile adhesive bandage to prevent infection. Note: If the injury is larger than a puncture wound, see ourphoto t...
Swimming with a nose piercing bump is not advised. Both chlorine in swimming pools and bacteria in natural bodies of water can potentially irritate the bump, delaying the healing process or even causing an infection. If you must swim, consider using a waterproof, breathable bandage to cover the...
Yeah, this might not be the best mental image, but the science and options to treat certain gastrointestinal illness looks promising. Research is being done on probiotics, microbes thought to have added health benefits, but general recommendations on their use haven't been established as of ...
life. Most of the time there are no symptoms of boils. This is called being colonized. About 1 percent of people have a special type of staph called methicillin-resistant Staph aureus (or MRSA for short), which is resistant to some boils treatment antibiotics and may be harder to treat. ...
designed to protect your wound from further blood loss and infection1. If a wound starts to scab over, it usually means your wound is healing and your body is protecting it. However, while scabs are natural, they can make the healing process more difficult than the‘clean, treat, protect’...
but during a summer outage, they would be less desirable, since they add heat to an already overly warm situation. First Aid kit It’s important to have a basic first aid kit on hand at all times, but particularly in the event of an emergency. Your kit should include basic wound care...
But they only treat the symptoms, not the cause. Pain is your body telling you you’re doing something wrong. Without pain you would have continued the bad form and hurt yourself more. So it’s a bad idea to mask pain guiding you. The best thing you can do to relieve your back ...
that causes a lot of pain and discomfort to the patient, so prevention measures are always concerned by a lot of people. It’s time to find out the tips on how to prevent cold sores on lips, nose and inside mouth (both from developing and getting worse). Take a look atTrueRemedies....
The keloid is usually irregular and may be larger than the wound itself. It may be pink or purple and has a smooth top. People with darker skin are more prone to this problem. Keloid scars are usually caused by acne, burns, chickenpox, cuts, insect bites, piercings, surgical injuries, ...