Anyone who hasallergiesto bees, wasps, or other stinging insects should keep anepinephrineauto-injector at home, work, and school in case of a sting. How do I treat a spider bite? For most of the harmless types of spiders you’ll find at home, treatment is pretty simple: Wash the area...
Wasps, bees & hornets Stings can cause a sharp pain. Bee stings are similar to wasp and hornet stings, but the sting is barbed, so it often gets left in the skin. Red ants These will bite and sting when threatened, often in numbers. Mosquitoes In the UK, mosquito bites rarely cause ...
biting flies, ticks, bees, wasps, spiders and scorpions. (Scientific sticklers will point out that only mosquitoes, flies, bees and wasps are truly "insects," while ticks, spiders and scorpions fall into the "arachnid" category. Even the word "bug" more correctly applies to a...
If your bee sting has caused a local reaction, there’s no need to seek medical care – you can treat it at home. You’ll first need to remove the stinger, if it’s there, and then focus on treating the sting. If you’re unsure of what to do at any step of the way, you can...
Introduce natural scale predators, such as ladybugs and tiny parasitic wasps. Apply an insecticidal soap to the shrubs’ leaves when the scale insects are in the crawler stage. Treat your shrubs with an approved insecticidal spray, such as carbaryl, acephate, malathion or chlorpyrifos. Ensure that...
Bees usually attack to defend themselves. Certain types of bees lose their stinger after they bite but hornets, wasps, and yellow jackets could inflict several stings without losing their stingers. A bee sting causes immediate pain and swelling, and the skin becomes warm and itchy. Bacterial infe...
Bumble bees, on the other hand, have smooth stingers and can sting more than once. However, they tend to have calmer temperaments than honey bees, which is why many people think of them as harmless. Wasps can also sting more than once.Yellow jacketsare a particularly aggressive type of wa...
How to Get Rid of Wasps Set up Wasp Traps Wasp traps lure the insects inside a container with a tempting treat like sugar water, then prevent their escape. You can make a DIY fly or wasp trap in about five minutes by sawing the top off a two-liter bottle and inverting it inside ...
During bud break, when the first signs of new growth emerge, fruit trees become susceptible to pests and diseases. The time buds start to open, revealing the delicate structures that will eventually become flowers and fruit. You can treat them with an organic general-purpose tree spray to ...
Poison dart frogs, for instance, secrete a toxic substance from their skin which is potentially fatal to predators that venture too close. Venomous animals, on the other hand, have a device to actively deliver their lethal cocktail. For example, snakes and spiders have fangs, wasps use ...